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Human Computer Interaction for Inclusion, Wellbeing and Learning (CHISEL)
Austism Assisted
A Platform for Raising Awareness Regarding Autism in Pakistan
Lahori Khoji
Lahore Khoji: An Application created to explore the hidden treasures of Lahore
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We work on the emergent intersections of design, technology and well-being to improve the psychological impact of everyday tech. We employ HCI research methods to inform our design decisions to increase their efficacy in the local context.

What we do

CHISEL is a hub for innotative design for innovative design using participatory and inclusive design practices with margins in the global south for learning and healthcare technologies. Our research focuses at the intersection of design, technology, and inclusion. We work on (1) assistive technologies (mobile apps and VR/AR systems) to enhance the quality of life of persons with disabilities (e.g. autism, dyslexia, visual impairment, dementia), and persons with mental health conditions (e.g. anxiety, depression), and (2) learning and playful technologies for children.

Areas We work in


Our “design for all” approach aims to explore ways in which every individual can access technology, especially those belonging to under-represented and marginalized communities


We research and design socio-technical systems to support the mental well-being of individuals and communities.


We research and design innovative technologies to facilitate educational and learning practices

Technology we use