Computational Problem Solving (CS 100)
This course provides a conceptual and practical introduction to programming. The focus is on programming rather than the particular choice of programming language, with general principles being brought out through the study of ‘C/C++’. This course will equip students with tools and techniques to implement a given problem programmatically.
Course Objectives
- To teach programming fundamentals to students
- To help students analyze and solve programming problems
- To prepare students in programming for later courses with programming intensive content
Learning Outcomes
- Enabling Knowledge: The process of designing algorithmic solutions to computable problems; the syntax and control structures of a programming
language i.e. C++, which enable you to code these algorithmic solutions using standard coding conventions
Critical Thinking and Analysis: Ability to analyze the requirements for solving simple algorithmic problems.
Problem Solving: Ability to design and implement programs to solve simple algorithmic computing problems, based on analysis of the
Communication: Ability to explain key concepts of algorithmic design, in written form, to IT specialists.
Responsibility: Ability to apply relevant standards and ethical considerations to writing computer programs. Developing an awareness of the role and responsibility the individual has with regard to their own learning